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How to Harness the Power of Product Images to Sell More

How to Harness the Power of Product Images to Sell More

Our photography studio is often employed to aid in product shots that are used in catalog or online sales. The perfect image that highlights the product attributes and represents the product accurately is imperative, and part of our specialty at Artisan Colour. How the resulting images are ultimately used in print or website placement can be equally as important. A picture can literally be worth a thousand words. The way that photos are utilized to promote a product or brand can express much more than lines of copy when used properly.

Taking Successful Product Images

James Chudley wrote a great article on product images for Smashing Magazine. Chudley offers several suggestions on how to use photography effectively and in turn, enhance the consumer experience to drive more sales online. Concepts like promoting company brand through imagery, telling a story, evoking an emotional response, and good old fashion demonstrating the attributes of your product in a stylish way are discussed. 

One topic that cannot be stated enough: avoid using static stock photography! Investing in quality images that perfectly communicate your product or company image will be duly rewarded with larger sales. Although this article focuses on web commerce, the same concepts apply to traditional print campaigns, as well.

The article also pulls together principles from psychology, marketing, UX design, and photographic theory. It provides a set of guidelines to follow when commissioning and editing photography, as well as when planning and designing profitable e-commerce user experiences.

The best way to sell products is to let them sell themselves. Consider the Gorilla Pod shown here. The photo brilliantly demonstrates the benefits of the product. The copy is supplementary; the image does the heavy lifting. Let photography do the selling for you as much as possible.

What Consumers Look for in Product Images

When choosing the best product images, it’s important to let the product tell the story. However, you and your photography studio also need to be aware of how the consumer searches for the story within the product while browsing online. Personal touches and emotion are key ingredients, but the best product images can be created when you think like the consumer.

Thinking like the consumer will help you drive sales if you accurately convey details of the product and prove its value. Consumers don’t want to waste their money on the illusion of a grand product. Ensuring your images are high quality is step one, but then you should also have multiple images of the product at multiple angles. If the product requires assembly, show a before and after shot. Clothing, especially trendy items, should also be shown on a model. Showing the item in use is great for aesthetic purposes, but also function.

The photography studio at Artisan Colour can help ensure you have high-quality images of your products that communicate your brand’s story.

Our past work with GCU showcases our work across banners, plexi prints, and signage, presenting a complete brand experience as part of our service to help our clients build brand visibility and boost engagement. 

To see what our photography studio can do for your products, contact us today